((CIP 78+792(082), ISSN 0352-9738, COBISS.SR-ID 16339202) established in 1987 as a periodical mainly focusing on historical, esthetical and theoretical study of theater arts and music. Only original scientific papers are published in the following fields: theatrology, musicology and ethnomusicology. Special attention is devoted to issues related to the development of these forms of art in South East and Central Europe, predominantly in the culture of Serbs and other nations in the region related through culture. All papers are evaluated by two, or should such necessity arise more than two, reviewers. The Journal is printed in Serbian Cyrillic alphabet with a summary in English. Manuscripts sent by the authors in one of the world languages are printed in the original language with a longer summary in Serbian. The Journal is organized in three sections: 1 scientific study, 2 new archival materials, memoir contributions, 3 reviews and necrologies. The first two sections of the Journal include abstracts, keywords, summaries in the language chosen by the author, and all published texts have a UDC number of the international bibliographical classification. The Journal is published regularly, biannually in the volume of 25 signatures. Each volume includes a name index and by exchange reaches approximately 100 libraries in the world.

The Editorial Board of the Matica Srpska Journal of Stage Arts and Music:

Živko POPOVIĆ, PhD, , Editor-in-Chief
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Aleksandar VASIĆ, PhD, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
(Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music Arts)

Zoran ĐERIĆ, PhD
(Serbian National Theatre / University of Banja Luka, Academy of Arts)

Katalin KAIČ, PhD
(Professor emeritus of the University of Novi Sad)

(Theatre Museum of Vojvodina)

(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music Arts)

(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

(Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

Jernej WEISS, PhD (Slovenia)
(University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy)

Jadwiga SOBCZAK, PhD (Poland)
(University of Lodz, Department of Slavic Languages)


no. 69, year 2023.
no. 68, year 2023.
no. 67, year 2022.
no. 66, year 2022.
no. 65, year 2021.
no. 64, year 2021.
no. 63, year 2020.
no. 62, year 2020.
no. 61, year 2019.
no. 60, year 2019.
no. 59, year 2018.
no. 58, year 2018.
no. 57, year 2017.
no. 56, year 2017.
no. 55, year 2016.
no. 54, year 2016.
no. 53, year 2015.
no.52, year 2015.
no.51, year 2014.
no.50, year 2014.
no.49, year 2013.
no.48, year 2013.
no.47, year 2012.
no. 46, year 2012.
no.45, year 2011.
no.44, year 2011.
no.43, year 2010.
no.42, year 2010.
no.41, year 2009.
no.40, year 2009.
no.39, year 2008.
no.38, year 2008.
no.37, year 2007.
no.36, year 2007.
no.34-35, year 2007.
no.32-33, year 2005.
no.30-31, year 2004.
no.28-29, year 2003.

Special Editions

2. Др Божидар Ковачек, др Петар Марјановић, др Душан Михаиловић, Др Душан Рњак, О ТЕАТАРСКОМ ДЕЛУ ЈОАКИМА ВУЈИЋА, 1988, 152.
3. Др Миленко Мисаиловић, ТРАГЕДИЈА ВЛАСТИ И ВЛАДАЊА, Значења Софоклове трагедије ЦАР ЕДИП, 1988, 368.
4. Зборник радова, АНТИЧКИ ТЕАТАР НА ТЛУ ЈУГОСЛАВИЈЕ, 1989, 188.
5. Др Мирјана Веселиновић, УМЕТНОСТ И ИЗВАН ЊЕ, Поетика и стваралаштво Владана Радовановића, 1991. 224.
6. Корнелије Станковић, СРПСКО НАРОДНО ЦРКВЕНО ПОЈАЊЕ (Три књиге, 1,2,3, фототипско издаwе. Приредила др Даница Петровић) суиздавач: Српска академије наука и уметности, 1994, 150.
7. Др Зоран Т. Јовановић, НАРОДНО ПОЗОРИШТЕ ДУНАВСКЕ БАНОВИНЕ, суиздавач: Музеј позоришне уметности Србије, 1996, 588.
9. Др Мирјана Веселиновић, ФРАГМЕНТИ О МУЗИЧКОЈ ПОСТМОДЕРНИ, 1997, 188.
10. Др Петар Марјановић, СРПСКИ ДРАМСКИ ПИСЦИ XX СТОЛЕЋА, суиздавачи: Факултет драмских уметности, Београд, Академија уметности, Нови Сад, 1997, 356.
11. Мр Ана Матовић, БЕЋАРАЦ У ВОЈВОДИНИ, 1998, 164.
12. Др Јадвига Сопчак (Јаdwiga Sоbczak), ПОЉСКА АВАНГАРДНА ДРАМА У ЈУГОСЛАВИЈИ (1945-1990), 2001, 462.
13. Др Душан Рњак, РЕДИТЕЉСКЕ КЊИГЕ ЈОЦЕ САВИЋА, 2001, 230.
14. Драгољуб ─ Драган Шобајић, ДУШАН ТРБОЈЕВИЋ, портрет уметника, 2003, 137.
15. Др Зоран Јовановић, НАРОДНО ПОЗОРИШТЕ КРАЉ АЛЕКСАНДАР 1 У СКОПЉУ (1913-1941), 2005, Мирослав Мики Радоњић, СТЕРИЈА У ОГЛЕДАЛУ 20. ВЕКА , суиздавач: Позоришни музеј Војводине, 2006, 142 стр.
17. Сава Илић (Јелена Јовановић, приредила) МУЗИЧКО НАСЛЕЂЕ СРБА, ШОКАЦА И КАРАШЕВАЦА У РУМУНИИЈИ. 2006.
18. Мр Драгана Јеремић Молнар,  СРПСКА КЛАВИРСКА МУЗИКА У ДОБА РОМАНТИЗМА (1841- 1914) , 2007
19. Др Нице Фрациле, МУЗИЧКА ТРАДИЦИЈА СРБА У ВОЈВОДИНИ, Антологија, Избор 1., 2007
20. Зборник радова ВАГНЕРОВ СПИС ОПЕРА И ДРАМА ДАНАС, 2007
24. Биљана Миланковић (приредила): Миленко Пауновић, ПРВА ЈУГОСЛОВЕНСКА СИМФОНИЈА – НА ЛИПАРУ, партитура, 2009.
27. Миодраг А. Васиљевић, НАРОДНЕ ПЕСМЕ ИЗ ВОЈВОДИНЕ. Приредио проф. др Драгослав Девић. 2009.
28.  Др Даница Петровић, (приређивач), Православно српско црквено пјеније по старом карловачком начину удесио Тихомир Остојић.. Издавач је Матица српска у сарадњи са Музиколошким институтом САНУ, 2010
29.  Др Весна О. Марковић, Плетенице стилских фигура у омилијама Св. Јована Златоустог. 2010
30.  Мр Маријана Кокановић (приредила) Из новосадских салона – Албум салонских композиција за клавир, 2010.
31. Др Зоран Т. Јовановић, Позоришно дело Милана Грола, 2011
32. Ивана Игњатов Поповић, Интуитивни Свет Ранка Младеновића (Драматичарски и критичарски рад Ранка Младеновића), 2011
33. Др Нада Савковић, Театрољубље, Суиздавач Академија уметности Нови Сад, 2012.

The Department of Stage Arts and Music of Matica Srpska was founded on the 28th of February. The first Secretary General was Dušan Mihalek until 1991. From the year 1991 to 2004 the Secretary General of the Department was Academician Dimitrije Stefanović and from mid-2004 to 2012 Zoran T. Jovanović was the Secretary General. For the next four years the Secretary General of the Department is Professor Mirjana Veselinović Hofman, PhD. She was elected at the meeting of the Management Board on the 24th of September 2012. As a rule, Secretary Generals are editors of books of special editions.

The Department of Stage Arts and Music is active in several fields: scientific research and publishing activities, organization of conferences, field work for the recording of traditional folk tunes, cultural and educational work and concert activities in Matica Srpska.

Associate of the Department of Stage Arts and Music is
MA Vesna Gajić
Telephone: 021 6615-038
е-mail: vgajic@maticasrpska.org.rs

Board of the Matica Srpska Department of Stage Arts and Music

Secretary of the Department

Dr. Zoran Maksimović (Theater Museum of Vojvodina)


Dr. Aleksandar Vasić, Expert Associate
(Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

Prof. Dr. Mirjana Veselinović Hoffman
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music)

Prof. Dr. Goran Gavrić
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Dramatic Arts)

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Đaković
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Zoran Đerić
(Serbian National Theater, Novi Sad / University of Banja Luka, Academy of Arts)

Gordana Đurđević, Actress
(Serbian National Theater, Novi Sad)

Prof. Dr. Dragana Jeremić Molnar
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music)

Dr. Jelena Jovanović, Senior Expert Associate, corresponding member of SASA
(Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

Prof. Dr. Katalin Kaič
(University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy)

Prof. Dr. Mariana Kokanović Marković
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Sofia Košničar
(University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy)

Prof. Dr. Vesna Krčmar
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Dr. Danka Lajić Mihajlović, Scientific Advisor
(Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

Dr. Milena Leskovac
(Serbian National Theater, Novi Sad)

Prof. Dr. Sonja Marinković
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music)

Dr. Biljana Milanović, Expert Associate
(Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

Predrag Momčilović
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts / Serbian National Theater, Novi Sad)

Prof. Dr. Vera Obradović Ljubinković
(University of Priština with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Arts)

Prof. Mr. Nenad Ostojić
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Ivana Perković
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music)

Prof. Dr. Danica Petrović, Scientific Advisor
(Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

Prof. Dr. Živko Popović
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Tijana Popović Mlađenović
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music)

Prof. Dr. Ira Prodanov Krajišnik
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Mariana Prpa Fink
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Dr. Miroslav Miki Radonjić
(Sterijino pozorje, Novi Sad)

Dr. Ljubica Ristovski, Assistant Professor
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Dušan Rnjak
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Nebojša Romčević
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Dramatic Arts)

Dr. Nemanja Sovtić, Assistant Professor
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Ana Stefanović
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music)

Prof. Dr. Milica Stojadinović
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Dr. Katarina Tomašević, Scientific Adviser, Director
(Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

Prof. Dr. Nice Fracile
(University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts)

Prof. Dr. Dragana Čolić Biljanovski
(University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Dramatic Arts)

About The Journal

ISSN 0543-1247 (бр. 1–21); 0352-6844 (22–)
ISSN (Online) 2787-3099
UDC: 7
First published: 1965
Frequency: annually
Subject: art history; history, archeology, and ethnology; other humanities

MATICA SRPSKA JOURNAL FOR FINE ARTS was launched in 1965 as a scientific journal of the Department of Fine Arts of the Matica Srpska in Novi Sad. It publishes papers related to Serbian and European art from the early Middle Ages to modern times. The Journal is open to treatises on the history and theory of fine and applied arts, architecture, museology, heritology, and visual culture studies. The Journal accepts only original and non-published papers in Serbian and English languages, which will be subjected to a double-blind peer review. It is indexed in the ERIH PLUS and WOS ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) lists of international scientific journals. MATICA SRPSKA JOURNAL FOR FINE ARTS is an Open Access Journal, and it is available on the publisher’s website (www.maticasrpska.org.rs).


Dejan Medaković (Nos. 1–30),
Dinko Davidov (Nos. 32–35),
Aleksandar Kadijević (Nos. 36–48),
Vladimir Simić (Nos. 49–)

Editorial Board:

VLADIMIR SIMIĆ, Editor-in-Chief (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
MIODRAG MARKOVIĆ (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
BRANISLAV TODIĆ (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
ALEKSANDAR KADIJEVIĆ (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
LIDIJA MERENIK (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
IGOR BOROZAN (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
DANICA POPOVIĆ (Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, Belgrade, Serbia)
DRAGAN DAMJANOVIĆ (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
АLINA PAYNE (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA)
BISSERA PENTCHEVA (Stanford University, USA)
TÜLAY ARTAN (Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey)
ANA ŠVERKO (Institute of Art History, Split, Croatia)
IVAN DRPIĆ (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
FRIEDRICH POLLEROß (University of Vienna, Austria)
IVÁN SZÁNTÓ (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)

Editorial Board Secretary:
MA Vesna Gajić
Telephone: 021 6615-038 and 021 420-199, extension 129, Fax: 021 528-901
е-mail: vgajic@maticasrpska.org.rs

The Editorial Board receives the manuscripts no later than February 1st for the issue planned to be published by the end of that year. After that, the Editorial Board selects the reviewers and begins with preparations for the publication of a new volume of the MATICA SRPSKA JOURNAL FOR FINE ARTS.

Editorial Policy
Instructions To Authors

Matica Srpska Journal for Fine Arts, Bibliography Nos. 1–50



no.50, year 2022.
no.49, year 2021.
no.48, year 2020.
no.47, year 2019.
no.46, year 2018.
no.45, year 2017.
no.44, year 2016.
no.43, year 2015.
no.42, year 2014.
no.41, year 2013.
no.40, year 2012.
no.39, year 2011.
no.38, year 2010.
no.37, year 2009.
no.36, year 2008.
no. 34_35, year 2003.
no. 29_30, years 1993_1994.
no. 27_28, years 1991_1992.
no. 26, year 1990.
no. 25, year 1989.
no. 23, year 1987.
no. 22, year 1986.
no. 21, year 1985.
no. 20, year 1984.
no. 19, year 1983.
no. 18, year 1982.
no. 17, year 1981.
no. 16, year 1980.
no. 15, year 1979.
no. 14, year 1978.
no. 13, year 1977.
no. 12, year 1976.
no. 11, year 1975.
no. 10, year 1974.
no. 9, year 1973.
no. 8, year 1972.
no. 7, year 1971.
no. 6, year 1970.
no. 5, year 1969.
no. 4, year 1968.
no. 3, year 1967.
no. 2, year 1966.
no. 1, year 1965.

Activities in the domain of natural sciences date back to the early days of Matica Srpska. The first books, in the fields of agriculture, fruit science and viticulture, animal science, beekeeping etc. were published in the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. Their primary goal was enlightenment of the people (Editions: Books for the People and Books of Matica Srpska).

The requirement for the organization of scientific research work in Matica Srpska resulted in assembly of the Scientific Department. It was instituted in the Constitution of Matica Srpska from September 1920 and was constituted in April 1922. Jovan Cvijić, president of the Serbian Royal Academy, was elected head of the department. The outline of the Constitution of Matica Srpska from 1948 suggested the founding of the Scientific Department of Matica Srpska. Regulations of the Scientific Department, Article 8, define the tasks of the Section for Natural Sciences. These include: research of the flora and fauna, geological and geographical phenomena in Vojvodina as well as support of the development of sciences concerned with nature in Vojvodina. The Section of Natural Sciences had two groups: Biological and Geographical. As the scientific research activities intensified, the need for the creation of an independent department arose. In May, 1965, at the Regular Assembly Meeting of Matica Srpska, the Department of Natural Sciences of Matica Srpska was formed.

Ever since then the Department has been active in scientific research in all fields of natural sciences. The core activities focus on scientific research projects, organization of scientific conferences, publishing of books i.e. special editions, periodicals and proceedings from scientific conferences as well as awards.

The work of the Department is managed by the Board of the Department that has a four year mandate. Head of the board is the Secretary General. The current Secretary General was elected by the Management Board on the 24th of December 2012.

Secretary General of the Department: Academician Rudolf KASTORI

The Board of the Department:

Assistant Professor Goran ANAČKOV, PhD
Professor Ferenc BAGI, PhD
Professor Pal BOŽA, PhD
Professor Verica BOŽIĆ KRSTIĆ, PhD
Professor Milan VAPA, PhD
Professor Miroslav VESKOVIĆ, PhD
Professor Ante VUJIĆ, PhD
Professor Jelena VUKOJEVIĆ, PhD
Professor Ružica IGIĆ, PhD
Mlađen Jovanović, PhD
Professor Vladimir KATIĆ, PhD
Professor Borivoj KRSTIĆ, PhD
Professor Bogosav LAŽETIĆ, PhD
Professor Lazar LEPŠANOVIĆ, PhD
Professor Ivana MAKSIMOVIĆ, PhD
Professor Jovan MAKSIMOVIĆ, PhD
Academician Vojislav MARIĆ
Professor Slobodan MARKOVIĆ, PhD
Professor Milan MATAVULJ, PhD
Professor Stevan MAŠIREVIĆ, PhD
Professor Zoran MAŠIĆ, PhD
Professor Nada MILOŠEVIĆ, PhD
Professor Dragiša POPOVIĆ, PhD
Professor Čedomir RADENOVIĆ, PhD
Academician Bogoljub STANKOVIĆ
Professor Dušan SURLA, PhD
Professor Slobodan ĆURČIĆ, PhD
Professor Smiljka ŠIMIĆ, PhD
Professor Marija ŠKRINJAR, PhD.

In the past few decades the work of scientific research projects has been aimed at research in the fields of medicine and health, animal and plant research, geology, geomorphology, hydrology and climatology of Vojvodina. The research of the population, the flora and fauna of Fruška Gora and Vršac Mountains has been the most significant. Special attention is devoted to research in the fields of microbiology, mycology, biophysics and biochemistry.

Results of the work of scientific research projects are published in scientific monographs as well as in periodical and special publications, and are presented at national and international scientific conferences.


2008 Group of Authors, INVERTEBRATES (Invertebarta) OF THE FRUSKA GORA MOUNTAIN (I), ed. S. Šimić
2009 Group of Authors, INVERTEBRATES (Invertebarta) OF THE FRUSKA GORA MOUNTAIN (II), ed. S. Šimić

Scientific Conferences

The Department organized numerous scientific conferences on issues related to ecology, health and so forth in the past. In 2003 the Department established the MIKOLOGIJA, MIKOTOKSIKOLOGIJA I MIKOZE scientific symposium (Mycology, Micotoxicology and Mycoses). This conference is organized every two years. Proceedings from this conference are published in Matica’s periodical: Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke (Matica Srpska Journal of Natural Sciences).

Awards of the Department of Natural Sciences

The Department awards development and support of natural sciences with the Professor Lazar Stojković Award and the Pupin Award.

The Professor Lazar Stojković Award

In accordance with the bequeath of Professor Lazar Stojković (*1904–†1977), Matica Srpska instituted an award bearing his name and is awarded every three years to junior scientific workers on the day of his birth, the 23rd of March. According to the wish of the great benefactor, this award is intended for young scientists primarily dealing with issues in the fields of agroecology and agroecosystems. It has been awarded since 1990. The jury of the award was elected at the Assembly Meeting of the Management Board of Matica Srpska held on the 24th of December 2012. The award for 2012 was given to Đorđe Krstić, PhD and Srđan Šeremešić, PhD University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture equally.

The jury of the Professor Lazar Stojković Award:

Professor Marija KRALJEVIĆ BALALIĆ, PhD president of the jury
Academician Rudolf KASTORI
Professor Ivana MAKSIMOVIĆ, PhD
Academician Dragan ŠKORIĆ.

The Pupin Award

The Pupin Award is given to student papers representing a contribution to technical, natural and mathematical disciplines that were the field of operation of Mihajlo Pupin. The award was instituted in 2011 and is given every three years. The jury of the Pupin Award was elected on the 24th December 2012 at the meeting of the Board of the Department.

The jury of the Pupin Award:

Professor Vladimir KATIĆ, PhD president of the jury
Professor Branislav BOROVAC, PhD
Professor Marijana VOJNOVIĆ MILORADOV, PhD
Professor Miljko SATARIĆ, PhD
Professor Vladimir Vujičić, PhD
Professor Dušan SURLA, PhD

Secretary General of the Department:

Academician Rudolf Kastori
21 000 Novi Sad, Ul. Matice srpske 1.
е-mail: kastori@polj.uns.ac.rs

Associate for publishing activities:
Ljilja Dražić
Telephone: 021 6615-798 and 021 420-199, extension 117, fax 021 528-901
е-mail: ljdrazic@maticasrpska.org.rs

Associate for scientific research activities:
Mirjana Zrnić
Telephone: 021 6615- 798 and 021 420-199, extension 118, fax 021 528-901
е-mail: mzrnic@maticasrpska.org.rs

As early as 1912 the aspiration to organize scientific work in Matica Srpska resulted in the establishment of five expert assemblies. The assemblies were allowed to organize sections with particular tasks, should such necessity occur. The Assembly for Social Enlightenment and Books for the People is the predecessor of the Department of Social Sciences

The Department of Social Sciences in its contemporary form was assembled after World War 2. The Scientific Department of Matica Srpska was established in December 1948 based on Article 25 of the Statute of Matica Srpska. On the 16th of January 1965 in a meeting of the Scientific Department separation into the Department of Natural Sciences and Department of Social Sciences was proposed. This proposition was accepted by the Management Board of Matica Srpska in the meeting held on the 6th of April 1965 and adopted by the General Assembly of Matica Srpska on the 30th of May 1965.

The department operates under the management of the Secretary General of the Department and the Department Board. Until now, the Secretary General position was held by: Professor Vladimir Kapor, PhD (1965), Professor Mladen Stojanov, PhD (1983), Professor Branislav Đurđev, PhD (1995), Professor Milovan Mitrović, PhD (2004) and Professor Ljubomirka Krkljuš, PhD (2008) (2008)

Secretary General of the Department: Professor Ljubomirka Krkljuš, PhD
Telephone 021/6615-798; ljkrkljus@sbb.rs

Associates of the Department:
Mirjana Zrnić (scientific research activities of the Department)
Telephone: 021/6615-798; mzrnic@maticasrpska.org.rs

Ljilja Dražić (publishing activities of the Department)
Telephone: 021/6615-798; ljdrazic@maticasrpska.org.rs

Board members of the Department of Social Sciences:

Professor Branko Balj, PhD
Sofija Božić, PhD
Mila Bosić, PhD
Professor Gordana Vuksanović, PhD
Professor Vladan Gavrilović, PhD
Velika Dautove Ruševljan, PhD
Žarko Dimić
Professor Sanja Đajić, PhD
Professor Mirko Zurovac, PhD
Professor Gordana Kovaček Stanić, PhD
Assistant Professor Miloš Ković, PhD
Professor Tatjana Bugarski PhD
Vesna Marjanović, PhD
Professor Slobodanka Markov, PhD
Professor Milovan Mitrović, PhD
Časlav Ocić, PhD, Corresponding Member of SANU
Professor Aleksandar Petrović, PhD
Professor Aleksandar Rastović, PhD
Professor Mirjana Rašević, PhD
Academician Momčilo Spremić
Assistant Professor Bojan Tubić, PhD

The basic activities of the Department include scientific research projects and the results of these projects are presented at scientific conferences and published in periodical publications and special editions.

Special editions

Nikola F. Pavković, Banatsko selo. Društvene i kulturne promene. Gaj, Dubovac (2009)
Slavko Gavrilović, Studije iz privredne i društvene istorije Vojvodine i Slavonije od kraja 17. do 19. veka, book two (2009)
Ljubomirka Krkljuš, Izveštaj francuskih diplomata iz Beograda u vreme Revolucije 1848/1849 godine (2009)
Gojko Malović, Seoba u Maticu I, II (2010)
Slobodan Ćurčić, Naselje Vojvodine – Geografska sinteza (2010)
Radmila Milentijević, Mileva Marić Ajnštajn (2010)
Nenad Došlić, Istorija Matice srpske (1941-1951) (2011)
Vlado Strugar, Doktorat u Moskvi (2011)
Ljubomirka Krkljuš, Središnji organi vlasti u Srpskoj vojvodovini 1848-1849. (2012) Slobodan Ćurčić, Mlađen Jovanović, Tivadar Gaudenji, Aleksandar Ilić, Atlas Vojvodine, Srem (2012)

The Department of Literature of Matica Srpska was founded at the constitutional assembly of the Board in 1864 upon the relocation of Matica Srpska to Novi Sad. The first meeting of the Department was held on the 29th and 30th of August the same year. The Literary Board of the Department was constituted in October. The members of the Department of Literature, however, had been working actively in Matica Srpska since its founding. The scope of their work was presentation of Serbian culture in Europe as well as the enlightenment of the Serbian people. To this end were the rich publishing activities developed. The basis of these activities was Letopis (The Chronicle) launched in 1824 and, over time, numerous editions of Matica Srpska were created.

The Department of Literature and Language in its contemporary form was assembled after World War 2. Its task is to organize, encourage and popularize scientific research work in the fields of literature and language, to support the development of contemporary literature and literary language, to care for and cultivate the language and literature of the Serbian people and its connections with cultures of other nations, as well as to develop cooperation with according scientific and cultural institutions in our country and abroad.

The Department operates under the management of the Secretary General of the Department and the Department Board.

Secretary Generals of the Department:

Professor Boško Novaković, PhD (1968‒1973)
Professor Božidar Kovaček, PhD (1973‒1982)
Professor Jovan Jerković, PhD (1983‒1994)
Professor Marija Kleut PhD (1995‒1998)
Professor Mato Pižurica, PhD (1999‒2012)
Marko Nedić, PhD (2012‒ )

Secretary General:
Professor Isidora Bjelaković, PhD
e-mail: isidora.bjelakovic@gmail.com

Associate of the Department:
Milena Kulić

Board members of the Department

Professor Isidora Bjelaković, PhD
Professor Slobodan Vladušić, PhD
Academician Miro Vuksanović
Professor Slavko Gordić, PhD
Professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, PhD
Dragana Grbić, PhD
Academician Jasmina Grković Mejdzor
Professor Jovan Delić, Corresponding Member of SANU
Professor Rajna Dragićević, PhD
Professor Jasmina Dražić, PhD
Professor Radoslav Eraković, PhD
Professor Dušan Ivanić, PhD
Milina Ivanović Barišić, PhD
Professor Kornelija Ičin, PhD
Professor Mladen Jakovljević, PhD
Professor Vojislav Jelić, PhD
Professor Aleksandar Jovanović, PhD
Mirjana Jocić
Professor Marija Kleut, PhD
Professor Aleksandra Korda Petrović, PhD
Academician Aleksandar Loma
Professor Goran Maksimović, PhD
Professor Ksenija Maricki Gađanski, PhD
Professor Aleksandar Milanović, PhD
Dejan Miloradov, Mr
Professor Sofija Miloradović, PhD
Professor Dragan Stanić, PhD
Marko Nedić, PhD
Professor Milovoj Nenin, PhD
Professor Jelena Novaković, PhD
Vasa Pavković, Mr
Professor Slobodan Pavlović, PhD
Professor Mihajlo Pantić, PhD
Professor Zoran Paunović, PhD
Professor Aleksandar Petrović, PhD
Professor Ljiljana Pešikan Ljuštanović, PhD
Professor Mato Pižurica, PhD
Professor Petar Pijanović, PhD
Academician Predrag Piper
Professor Valentina Pitulić, PhD
Professor Jovan Popov, PhD
Professor Dragana Radovanović, PhD
Professor Saša Radojčić, PhD
Selimir Radulović
Professor Gorana Raičević, PhD
Academician Slobodan Remetić
Professor Nenad Ristović, PhD
Professor Vladislava Ružić, PhD
Professor Viktor Savić, PhD
Đorđo Sladoje
Professor Rada Stijović, PhD
Professor Bojana Stojanović Pantović, PhD
Professor Boško Suvajdzić, PhD
Professor Sreto Tanasić, PhD
Professor Kornelija Farago, PhD
Professor Mihal Harpanj, PhD
Professor Dragan Hamović, PhD
Professor Zorica Hadzić, PhD
Professor Mladen Šukalo, PhD

The First Book Series of Matica Srpska

The First Book Series of Matica Srpska was launched in 1957 and was meant for young authors stepping on to the literary scene. Over 250 titles of poetry, prose, reviews, literary theory and essay writing have been published so far. Apart from achieving enviable reputation, Matica’s Prva Knjiga is the oldest series of this type in Serbian publishing of the 20th century.

Books are printed in a symbolical print run of 300 numbered copies. By system of exchange they reach all relevant national libraries including the Library of Congress in the USA.

Many of the authors of this series are important representatives of our contemporary literature. The list includes: Dobrica Erić, Mirjana Stefanović, Judita Šalgo, Milutin Petrović, Gvozden Eror, Miro Vuksanović, Vladimir Kopicl, Radmila Gikić, Dragan Velikić, Novica Milić, Ljubiša Arsić, Mihajlo Pantić, Jovan Delić, Jovan Popov, Vojislav Karanović, Zoran Đerić, Dubravka Đurić, Veselin Marković, Vladimir Tasić, Borivoje Adašević and others.

Prva Knjiga was edited by Ivan B. Lalić, David Albahari, Miroslav Antić, Florika Štefan, Vasa Pavković and many other acclaimed authors. The publishing of every new series of the First Book coincides with the Book Fair in Belgrade where the authors can present themselves to the literary public for the first time.

Manuscripts competing for the Prva Knjiga Series are accepted until the 1st of May and the decision of the editorship is made public on the website of Matica Srpska by the end of July at the latest.

The propositions of the open competition are that the author should not be older than 30 years of age in the year they enter the open competition and that they have no previously published books. Manuscripts can be sent to (or delivered in person) to the following address: Matica srpska, za ediciju „Prva knjiga”, Matice srpske 1, 21000 Novi Sad.

Editorship of the First Book Series:

Professor Vladislava Gordić Petković, PhD, Editor in Chief
Sonja Veselinović, MA
Professor Đorđe Despić, PhD
Nenad Milošević
Ivan Radosavljević


The Zmaj Award Library was instituted with the intention to fully and critically shed light on the poetic work of the winner of this most significant award for poetry of Matica Srpska. Their work, analyzed from various critical and methodological perspectives, gives a more detailed picture of the scope and importance of their poetry for the contemporary Serbian literature. So far books about the poetry of the following authors have been published: Aleksa Vukadinović, Jovan Hristić, Dara Sekulić, Duško Novaković, Srba Mitrović, Miroslav Maksimović, Živorad Nedeljković, Nikola Vujčić, Zlata Kocić, Miroslav Cera Mihajlović.

Editors of the Zmaj Award Library:

Ivan Negrišorac
Assistant Professor Đorđe Despić, PhD


The assembly meeting of Matica Srpska held on the 15th of March 1953 founded a permanent annual literary award called Zmajeva nagrada Matice srpske za poeziju na srpskom jeziku (The Matica Srpska Zmaj Award for Poetry in Serbian Language) in remembrance of the poet Jovan Jovanović Zmaj. The cash award is financed from the endowment funds run by Matica Srpska: Jovan Naka Endowment, Atanasije Gerecki Endowment, Aleksa and Marija Dejanović Endowment, Nikola and Rakila Knežević Endowment, Božana Latinčić Endowment, Katica and Dančika Manojlović Endowment, Đorđe F. Nedeljković Endowment, Ljuba and Julijana Nedeljković Endowment, Sofija Pasković née Kambel Endowment, Đorđe Redak Endowment, Marija Trandafil Endowment and Jovan Trandafil Endowment, as well as from funds of Matica Srpska.

The funds for this year’s Zmaj Award (RSD 150,000.00) were provided by Srpska banka from Belgrade.

This award is, in accordance with the book of regulations of the Zmaj Award of Matica Srpska, announced and given to winners at Matica Srpska at a ceremonial meeting on the day of its founding, the 16th of February every year.

The jury of the Zmaj Award:

Professor Jovan Delić, Corresponding Member of SANU
Ivan Negrišorac
Selimir Radulović
Đorđo Sladoje
Želidrag Nikčević


In remembrance of Branko Radičević and on the 100th anniversary of his death Matica Srpska instituted the Branko Award, an award for students of philological and philosophical faculties (at a meeting of the Management Board on the 17th of October 1948). Since then Matica Srpska has traditionally awarded this prize to the best student works created during undergraduate as well as master studies, written or translated into Serbian. The subjects of these works can be the history of Serbian literature and other literatures of the world, contemporary Serbian and world literature as well as other theoretical questions regarding literature.

The respective departments of universities submit seminar papers and theses to members of the jury. The prize is comprised of a diploma and a sum of money.

The jury of the Branko Award of Matica Srpska:

Professor Vojislav Jelić, PhD, President
Professor Dragana Vukićević, PhD
Professor Sanja Paripović Krčmar, PhD
Professor Nataša Polovina, PhD
Professor Vladimir Gvozden, PhD


In 1993, in remembrance of Mladen Leskovac, Matica Srpska founded the Mladen Leskovac Award for the best published scientific work in the field of the history of Serbian literature. This prize is awarded every third year.

Winners of the Mladen Leskovac award up to now:

1 Dragiša Živković, PhD (1991, 1992, 1993)
2 Novica Petković, PhD (1994, 1995, 1996)
3 Radmila Marinković, PhD1997, 1998, 1999)
4 Nada Milošević, Đorđević, PhD (2000, 2001, 2002)
5 Božidar Kovaček, PhD (2003, 2004, 2005)
6 Dušan Ivanić, PhD (2007, 2008, 2009)
7 Jovan Delić, PhD (2010, 2011, 2012)
8 Dejan Aleksić (2013)
9 Gojko Đogo (2014)

Jury of the Mladen Leskovac Award:

Professor Dušan Ivanić, PhD, president
Professor Aleksandar Jovanović, PhD
Professor Jovan Delić, PhD, Corresponding Member of SANU
Academician Nada Milošević Đorđević
Marko Nedić, PhD

Members of the Krajiški board of Matica srpska

Sofija Božić, PhD
Čedomir Višnjić
Professor Slavica Garonja Radovanac, PhD
Professor Dušan Ivanić, PhD, president
Danka Lajić Mihajlović, PhD
Milan Micić, PhD
Professor Dragan Stanić, PhD
Ljiljana Stošić, PhD
Borivoj Čalić
Branko Čolović, PhD
Svetlana Šeatović, PhD

Accumulation and preservation of archival material in the Manuscript Department commences with the actual founding of Matica Srpska in 1826. The core of the Manuscript Department was created from the first statute that regulates the activities of Matica Srpska, documents created by several decades of work of Matica Srpska both in Pest and in Novi Sad, manuscripts submitted to be published in the Journal of Matica Srpska or to literary competitions of Matica Srpska, minutes of meetings of management boards, correspondence between significant leading names in Serbian literature and cultural political history of the 19th and 20th century, purchases and numerous gifts. Several phases of it’s the development can be observed: from 1826-1847 there was no special form of organized activity, from 1847 to 1945 operates as Srbsko-narodna sbirka (Serbian – National Collection) that accumulated, among other old written documents: letters, books and manuscripts of famous Serbs. From 1945 to 1958 it operated as Department of Archival Material and Manuscripts as part of the Library of Matica Srpska, from 1958 to 1961 the Department operated under the management of the Literary Department of Matica Srpska. It emerged as an independent department in 1961 and in the 60s the Department received offices, a larger depot, and a reading room for work with researchers. The full time employment of a number of archivists made the beginning of systematic work on archival material possible.

The Manuscript Department is a unique archival institution; the only real archival holdings are in the Archive of Matica Srpska. That archival material came into existence during the rich and diverse history of Matica Srpska. Records of the Management Board, Department of Literature and the Board as well as minutes of the annual assembly meetings from 1826 to 1945 are kept here. Apart from 284 boxes with more than 100000 documents, 158 books of records and register deeds of Matica Srpska are preserved.

The rest of the archival material is sorted into three collections – Collection of Manuscripts, Collection of Letters and Collection of Photographs. The Collection of Manuscripts contains 20,000 processed documents and several thousand copies of important archival material. This archival material was created from the 18th to the 20th century. It was mostly written in Serbian, German, Latin and Church Slavonic language. The Collection of Letters contains exceptionally valuable letters of most esteemed Serbs. 61,150 letters have been processed until now, whereas several thousands of letters acquired through donations and purchases are still waiting to be processed. The Collection of Photographs has close to 25,000 photographs, negatives and albums, daguerreotypes and images created by means of modern digital equipment. From 1967 to 2001 the Editorship of Bibliographical Editions operated as a part of the Manuscript Department of Matica Srpska. Today, computer programs are used for the processing of archivalia whereas the most significant archival material is scanned and uploaded to appropriate data bearing media.

The Manuscript Department is an unavoidable source of precious archival material. It is impossible to learn about the most important people and key events in the cultural and political history of Serbs since the 18th century up to now without it.

The Department operates under the management of the Director and the Board of the Manuscript Department. Since the founding of the Department the following Secretary Generals have been appointed: Živojin Boškov (1963-1983), Academician Čedomir Popov (1983-1991), Professor Nikola Gaćeša, PhD (1991-1999), Branko Bešlin, MA (1999-2008), Pavle Stanojević (2008-2011), Sonja Bob (2011-2012), Professor Milivoj Nenin, PhD (2012-2013)

Director of the Manuscript Department:
Professor Aleksandra Vraneš, PhD
е-mail: avranes@maticasrpska.org.rs

Aleksandra Jovanović
е-mail: ajovanovic@maticasrpska.org.rs
Telephone: 021 420 199, extension: 133; 021 528 917 and 021 63 36 987



Zoran Veljanović
Jugoslav Veljkovski
Assistant Professor Đorđe Đurić, PhD
Professor Dušan Ivanić, PhD
Aleksandra Jovanović
Petar V. Krestić, PhD
Katarina Marković
Professor Dejan Mikavica, PhD
Miladin Milošević
Radovan Mićić
Aleksandra Novakov, MA
Radovan Popović
Professor Gorana Raičević, PhD
Assistant Professor Momir Samardžić, PhD
Assistant Professor Mile Stanić
Zorica Hadžić, PhD
Archivalia Series
Series Editor in Chief: Professor Aleksandra Vraneš, PhD
Editorship of the Series:
Assistant Professor Radovan Popović
Zorica Hadžić, PhD
Petar Krestić, PhD


The book O Crnjanskom; arhivalije, was edited by Stojan Trećakov and Radovan Šovljanski for the 100th anniversary of the authors death in 1993.

The book Veljko Petrović: Pisma: 1904-1967 (from the collection of the Manuscript Department of Matica Srpska) was edited by Sonja Bob, Stojan Trećakov and Vladimir Šovljanski in 1997.

The book Portreti prema živim modelima (a selection of texts from the prolific legacy of Milan Jovanović Stoimirović) was edited by Stojan Trećakov and Vladimir Šovljanski in 1998, followed by Stimirevićev Dnevnik 1936-1941 in 2000.

The book Laza Kostić, Prepiska I was edited by Professor Dušan Ivanić and Milica Bujas, MA in 2005.

The book Knjiga Sterijinih rukopisa was edited by Isidora Popović, PhD in 2008.